Rollin’ rollin’, keep them links a’rollin’! (Zero to Hero Challenge: Day Thirteen)

ImageIt’s not much, but I’m thrilled I learned how to use and add to a blogroll. So far, I’ve added four items of interest to myself and, hopefully, my fellow bloggers and rockabilly lovers:

1. The Rockabilly Socialite: A look into the life of Dollie DeVille, who blogs about anything 50’s and rockabilly related, recipes, fitness challenges and more!


2. “Kinkei” Art on I stumbled across this artist quite a few years ago. I don’t typically care for Kawaii art – modern or traditional – but she’s morphed her art into modern Kawaii versions of pin-up girls. The piece featured is a sketch called “Don’t Tell Frank!”


3. My Pinterest. My Pinterest is the epitome of an overactive imagination and boredom mixed together. I feel like I have a million and one recipes I want to try and never find the time for, tons of fitness tips and tricks that I’ve yet to investigate and fashion worthy of a closet five times the size of my current one.

Untitled4. Olivia De Berardinis: If you’ve not seen any of this woman’s art, you’re missing out! I personally love her Bettie Page art, as I’m a Bettie Page fan, and find her art much more pleasing to the eye than the artwork of another famous pin-up artist, Gil Elvgren.


Many thanks for reading and I cannot wait to investigate the world of the “blogroll” more in the future!


2 thoughts on “Rollin’ rollin’, keep them links a’rollin’! (Zero to Hero Challenge: Day Thirteen)

  1. Now that song “Rawhide” is going through my head from your post title LOL. Deviant Art is an amazing site there are some very talented people on there. What is not to love about Pinterest is so amazing and addicting.Cute blog and blog name.

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